Capitals Font

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The Capitals font is a decorative font featuring all capital letters. It is often used for headlines or titles in design projects, or to create a strong visual impact in short phrases or phrases. The font is characterized by its bold, capital letters and may have a creative or decorative design. It is usually used to draw attention to a particular piece of text and can be used to add emphasis or personality to a design.

Capitals Font view

Capitals Font Information

File FormatN/A
Date ReleasedN/A

Reason to Use Capitals Font

There are a few reasons why someone might choose to use a font with only capital Font:

  1. To create a strong, bold visual impact: Using all capital letters can make a statement and draw attention to the text.
  2. For clarity: In some cases, using all capital letters can make the text easier to read, especially in small sizes or for people with visual impairments.
  3. To follow specific formatting guidelines: Some style guides or organizations may require the use of all capital letters for certain types of text, such as headings or acronyms.
  4. For aesthetic reasons: Some designers may choose to use all capital letters in their designs because they feel it looks more visually appealing or fits the overall aesthetic of the project.

Capitals Font Family (Includes Total of 6 Typefaces)

  • Arial Black
  • Impact
  • Gothic
  • Copperplate Gothic
  • News Gothic
  • Franklin Gothic

Character Map

Alternatives of Capitals Font

Here are a few alternatives to a font with only capital letters:

  1. A font with both upper and lower case letters: Using a font that includes both upper and lower case letters can add variety and interest to your text.
  2. A font with a strong emphasis on capital letters: Some fonts have a strong emphasis on capital letters, such as “Helvetica Neue” or “Futura.” These fonts may be a good alternative if you want to create a bold visual impact without using only capital letters.
  3. A decorative font: If you are using capital letters for aesthetic reasons, you may want to consider using a decorative font that includes both upper and lower case letters.
  4. A sans-serif font: Sans-serif fonts are fonts that do not have the small projecting features called “serifs” at the end of their letters. These fonts can be a good alternative to a font with only capital letters because they are often clean and easy to read. Some popular sans-serif fonts include “Arial,” “Helvetica,” and “Verdana.”

License Information

You should only use fonts that you have legally obtained and that are appropriate for your intended use. If you are unsure about the license for a specific font, you should contact the font designer or publisher for more information.

Supported Language

Most fonts are designed to support a specific set of languages, and may not include all of the characters necessary to display text in other languages. If you need to use a specific font to display text in a particular language, it is a good idea to check whether the font has support for that language before using it. You can usually find this information on the font’s product page or in the documentation provided with the font.


What is a font with all capital letters called?

A font that uses only capital letters is called an “uppercase” or “all caps” font.

How do I create a text with all capital letters in a word processing program?

To create a block of text with all capital letters in a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, you can select the text and then click the “all caps” button in the formatting toolbar. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + A” to apply the all caps formatting to the selected text.

Is it okay to use an all caps font for long blocks of text?

It is generally not recommended to use an all caps font for long blocks of text because it can be difficult to read and may look overwhelming. All caps fonts are often used for short headlines or titles where they can add emphasis, but they should not be used for long passages of body text.

How do I change the font of selected text in a word processing program?

To change the font of selected text in a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, you can use the font drop-down menu in the formatting toolbar. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + F” to open the font menu. From there, you can select the desired font and size for your text.

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